About ME

why i'm running for city council
My family moved to Apple Valley in February 2018. We quickly realized how lucky we were. Even with feet of snow on the ground, our neighbors made a conscious effort to welcome us into their community. They took time learning our names, what we do for work, and our interests. We built friendships that extended into weekly bowling teams, brewery tours, and fantasy football leagues. Half of the folks helping with my campaign are my neighbors, and I couldn't do this without their support. I want this type of community and support for all young families looking to live in Apple Valley. This is a wonderful city, filled with wonderful people, and I want to ensure that families won't need multiple advanced degrees and amazing, high-paying jobs to afford living here.
professional experience
I am proud to currently work for AFSCME Council 5, one of the largest public and private sector unions in Minnesota, which includes AFSCME Local 479, representing maintenance and public workers employees with the City of Apple Valley. I work on behalf of frontline state and local government employees across Minnesota and empower them to fight for better pay and working conditions for themselves and workers across the labor movement. Since I began working for AFSCME 8 years ago, I’ve worked to pass programs like Paid Family and Medical Leave, Earned Sick and Safe Time, expand unemployment insurance to hourly school workers, and contributed to the largest expansion of collective bargaining rights for workers in Minnesota since the 1980s.
I also serve as Chairperson of the AFSCME Council 5 Health and Wellness Fund, which administers a contractually negotiated dental benefit for frontline public employees. We provide a high-quality benefit for our members while balancing the demands of being a fiduciary, and steward a benefit that I hope lasts for generations.
I hope to earn your support on November 5th and add a pro-labor voice to Apple Valley’s City Council. Let’s work together to make Apple Valley a place that works for everybody.
​Support Young Families
Invest in Infrastructure that Promotes Community
Support Apple Valley's Employees
Prevailing Wage for Infrastructure Projects